Google AdSense Approval Tricks 2024 – Get Fully Approved First Attempt

Google AdSense Approval Tricks 2024 – the most trending topic among newbie bloggers.

Well, here is how to Approve Google AdSense easily in very first attempt.

Some people call it “AdSense Approval Trick” or “AdSense Approval method” whatever you call it but this is the method that works.

If you follow all the steps correctly, You’ll have your Google AdSense Approved for sure.

Excited? Let’s get started.

Approve Google AdSense

Are you still getting disapproved by AdSense?

It’s normal, no need to worry.

Every ads network have their own policy/rules. Similarly, AdSense also has some.

We just need to make our Your Blog AdSense Friendly in order to get approved by Google.

In this guide, we have shared all the points that Google check before approving AdSense account.

These points are simple to follow. By doing it, you can Get a Fully Approved Google AdSense account in the very first attempt.

Why Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is the most trusted and oldest ads publishing company.

With AdSense, Bloggers are earning handsome money and you can earn too if you do your work in the right way.

Why is AdSense the best?

This is because of the quality of their ads, it’s totally awesome and one of the interesting things is that the paying rate of AdSense is better than all other ads network.

Reality: AdSense is the primary source of income for most Professional Bloggers.

My Story with Google Adsense:

(If you want you can directly move forward to step 1 of the process)

In 2013-14, I applied for Google AdSense Account many times, about 50+ times and it became impossible for me to Approve Google AdSense that time because whenever I applied, they rejected my application in their own style. LOL!

Then, I started researching all the points related to AdSense (i.e. why they reject an application, what they check while approving an AdSense account. etc) and noted them down.

After research, I created another blog, started doing experiments with those points, and finally got Approved by AdSense in the first attempt only.

From 2014 till now, I help many newbies bloggers and more than 99% of them got their Google AdSense Approved. The remaining 1% were not serious about Blogging and left Blogging.

In this post, I’m going to share all my experiences with AdSense. So that you can prepare your blog for AdSense to get approved in the very first attempt.

Google AdSense Approval Tricks 2024

Google AdSense Approval Tricks

Below are the Top 12 Points on which AdSense looks in a Blog before Approving them.

Let’s move towards Google AdSense Approval Tricks, shall we?

12 Tricks to Approve Google AdSense in 2024

#1 Buy TLD to Get Google AdSense Approved:

Domain Name is Required for AdSense

Top-Level Domain (i.e. TLD) is necessary to get your blog approved by GoogleAdSense.

Without TLD (with sub-domain), there are very low changes (equal to 0%) of getting AdSense Approved.

Even, if they approve your Google AdSense account application, you will get Hosted Account.

It is good to have your own custom domain (just like we have

The domain name is the foundation of your blog.

Main Benefits of having Own Domain Name (apart from Google AdSense):

Suppose, you’re blogging on any platform with their freely offered sub-domain. In the future, for any reason they ban your account/blog then you will lose all authority and you will have to start from scratch.

If you blog with your own domain then you can shift your blog to whatever server you want, whenever you want, without losing authority & ranking.

And, Google loves authority. So, apply with your own domain and it will increase the chance of getting Google AdSense approved.

  • Solution: Various companies such as Godaddy, Bigrock, etc. provides custom domains at a very low price for the first year. Just buy any TLD (.COM, .NET or .IN, etc) in order to get an approved Google AdSense Normal Account.

#2 Blog with Clear Title & Description Gets Easily Approved:

I have seen many cases in which, AdSense disapproves an application just for the reason “Site Doesn’t Comply with Google Policy“.

In such cases, AdSense either didn’t understand what your blog is about or your niche is different and is not related to their advertisers.

Problem: Many newbie bloggers create their blog and make their title too lengthy or just copying the description from other blogs and paste it into their own blog. Which becomes unnatural and boring to read for the audience & AdSense Team,  and which doesn’t describe your blog properly.

  • Solution: Make your blog’s Title & Description very simple and clear. For example-

Tricks Galaxy is a tech blog where we publish article about Blogging, Computer, Internet Tips & Making Money.

#3 Create About, Privacy Policy & Contact Page:

To get an approved AdSense application, your blog must have these important pages.

  • About Page: It describes your blog to your visitors and AdSense team. By this page, AdSense team may confirm that you’re the same person who applied for AdSense Publisher account.

Tips: Just add genuine information about the author(you) and your blog. No need to copy from others to look pro. Google knows every one starts from the basic level.

  • Privacy Policy: Google AdSense team may use this page to know your blog is compatible with Google policy or not, you’re publishing the unique article or just doing a scam, and what will you do with user’s information!

Tips: Use any privacy policy generator tool to generate for your blog or write it yourself it’s just a lifetime investment of one-time 20-25 minute work.

  • Contact Page: It indicates that you do care for your users, the visitor can contact us for further help and you’re ready to help them.

Tips: Make sure your blog is having a contact page with a working contact form. If using WordPress then Contact Form 7 plugin is fine.

If you completed all the above steps then move forward to further reading……

#4 AdSense Approves Blog with Quality & Unique Content:

Quality Content is the father of all points, without it, you never get Normal Google AdSense Account.

If you want Google to pass your blog to approve your AdSense application then remember one thing that Content is not king, ” Quality Content is King“.

So, start including quality to your article which will not only help you to get AdSense but also make your blog different from others. Always give the “ALT” tag to your images.

Write Article For AdSense

#5 Blog/Domain Age Should Be?

According to Google AdSense policy, your domain age should be minimum 6 months old in order to create an AdSense account in India.

Can you wait for 6 months? I guessed the answer will be No! right?

Actually, Google wants quality and unique blog.

If your blog meets their requirement, they will approve your application in 1 month only. I also made an AdSense account with 10 days old blog.

Better to apply when your blogs become 45+ days old in order to get Approved in the very first attempt.

#6 No. of Content should be?

This is the most common question that comes to every newbie’s blogger until they get fully approved by AdSense.

No. of posts isn’t mentioned officially, if you’re writing the article in 500+ words, apply for AdSense when your blog will have at least 15+ article.

#7 Template/Theme should be Adsense friendly:

The template plays a major role to establish a good interface between user and blog. The template must be responsive. You may probably be confused, which template to use.

My answer is better to use those template/theme using which someone got their AdSense Approved.

#8 Add Favicon to your Blog:

Actually, a favicon is not necessary to approve Google AdSense but if you add a favicon, it will increase the uniqueness of your blog which is most important in the case of AdSense.

#9 No Copied Content!

The common mistake that some newbies blogger make is that they just copy the article from other blog and post on their blog after that apply for AdSense and finally gets disapproved.

If you are doing copy paste then you are just wasting your time.
Always make all external links “Nofollow” because the link is also considered as copyright.

#10 Traffic & Ranking Should be?

Traffic is not a big point for making or approving Google AdSense Non-Hosted Account. But wait, wait….. Just think for a while, you have approved Google AdSense account and your blog doesn’t have traffic then what’s the meaning/benefits of having AdSense account? Even, What will Google get for giving you an AdSense account.

In simple words, it’s business, if you will not earn and how Google will earn? If your blog doesn’t have any scope of traffic and why Google will make you their partner? So, for earning $$$ you must have good traffic.

And if you’re getting traffic from US and Canada or good Traffic then it’s plus point for you in order to approve AdSense.

#11 Did you read AdSense Policy?

If you still didn’t read Google AdSense  Terms & Condition then it is recommended to first read that line by line which will not only help you in approving Google AdSense account but also will make you aware of all the policy & rules.

So, you’ll be safe for getting your AdSense banned…

#12 Make Your Blog Ads-free:

If you are using other Ads such as Chitika, Infolinks, Clicksor or anything, its time to remove them all. Don’t put back until you get Fully AdSense Approved. After approval, you may add back if you want.

Continue Reading: How to Make Money with URL Shortener Sites in 2024

Final Words:

I hope my experiment & researches helped you in preparing your blog for Google Adsense.

So, this was about How to Approve Google AdSense Fully in Very First Attempt in 2024 with these Simple Working Google AdSense 12 Steps Trick.

Thanks for reading till the end, share your views in the comments.

65 thoughts on “Google AdSense Approval Tricks 2024 – Get Fully Approved First Attempt”

    • Hi Rajesh,

      I’m very happy to see that this is Amazing Article for you. And this post is about Google AdSense related to How To Prepare a Blog for AdSense and How to Approve AdSense In Very First Attempt.
      I will post a separate post about Media. Net

      Thanks for your valuable comments. Keep on visiting.

  1. No one is able to understand the algorithm of adsense as one of my friend got approved his adsense account after 1 long year.
    But if you work hard and write quality content google will index you fast and you will get search traffic in result bright chances of approving adsense account.

  2. thanks admin for this awesome article, your site is too amazing, my adsense account approved after apply this guide, thanks alot

  3. Can I use custom domain on blogger platform and get success in blogging?Will there be any issues if I do not purchase hosting?I have seen several such blogs developed with Blogger and earning handsome income by placing ads on their blogs.Please reply me about the pros and cons..

    • Hey Ashutosh,

      Of course you can use custom domain on Blogger platform.

      Comming directly to main points.

      Success in Blogging doesn’t directly depend on which platform your Blog is hosted. Blogger & WordPress are two major platform for blogging.

      No, there will not be any issue if you don’t purchase hosting, you can also earn handsome income if you do blogging in right way no matter where your blog is hosted. Even Google doesn’t consider on which platform you blog is, they will always approve your AdSense account if you follow the points mentioned in this guide.

      However, there are many pros & cons of selecting Blogger and WordPress as blogging platform and are listed below. Here, by WordPress, I mean WordPress slef hosted.

      1) Blogger is Google’s product, so they have right to shut down your blog anytime if they find anything wrong with your Blog. On WordPress, you are the complete owner of your blog and you’re free to decide how long it should run and when you want to shut it down.

      2) On Blogger, you’re allowed to perform only specified task on your blog. But, WordPress is open source program, you can extend the features and for every task, a lot of plugins are available.

      3) There are lots of premium looking themes are available for WordPress while for Blogger there are limited.

      4) Moving your bloger from Blogger is a bit complex thing but you can easily move your WordPress from one hosting to another hosting.

      5) Since, Blogger is owned by Google, so your blog on Blogger is highly secured. WordPress is also secured but as it is slef hosted, so you’re responsible for all security issue. But, there are lots of plugins availble to make it more secure.

      6) On Blogger, you will have limited support but WordPress has very active support system. Even, you can talk with your hosting provider or theme provider separately ( depending on the type of service)

      Conclusion: I personally use WordPress for all the blogs. Even TricksGalaxy is running on WordPress self hosted. If you can purchase hosting then it is recommended to go with WordPress. However, no issues with Blogger. On both the platform, you can use Google AdSense. You can use Blogger and shift to WordPress whenever you want in future.

      Thanks for reading.

      Do let me know if you’ve any more questions.

  4. Hi,
    Information is very useful for me
    I follow all your steps what you say in the post
    I get my approved Adsense account in 2 week
    Thanks Sir

  5. Hey Roshan,

    You said this is the process that everyone knows who are using AdSense right?

    Yes, exactly. The process is everything.

    What about those who are struggling to get AdSense account, they don’t know the exact process, they don’t know the requirement to get Adsense approved.

    I have shared my own AdSense approval process that if anyone follows then they will get their account Approved in very first attempt.

  6. Hi Ajit
    Been nice read your good articles.
    yes we know adsense one of indonesian favourites media ads to monetize and earns some money for blog. Thanks alot for reading this.

  7. Hii,since now I have got my adsense disapprived thrice .After reading your post .I am going to do changes that are missing.hope it will help me.thank you.

    • Hey Akash,

      Yes, just apply with fresh email and mobile number after making the necessary changes to your blog.

      Feel free to ask me via email if you need more help in Approving your Google AdSense account.

      All the best & Happy Blogging…!

  8. Thanks for sharing this information on with us. It really helped me understand about Google AdSense and it will be helpful in Approving AdSense Account.

  9. Hello Ajit,
    You’re doing a great job here.
    I just started following your blog and I must say it’s very effective. I have read all your posts regarding AdSense and I think my blog meets the requirements as I have over 15+ posts, I write unique contents and make sure it’s not less than 800 words.

  10. We have a website called bookthebest. in it is an affiliate marketing website we are applying to absence but we are not approved by google absence. at that time I read you post on how to get google absence approval. We have a TLD domain and our content is also unique and our domain age also 6months plz help our website to get adsence we are just 16 years old we don’t know any blogger you are one we got. One’s visit our website and see what we have to do to get Adsense


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